Sun. Sep 8th, 2024
Backyard Bounty | Discover Lamington National Park: Ancient Rainforests & Stunning Waterfalls

Lamington National Park, a jewel nestled in the hinterland of Queensland, Australia, offers a breathtaking escape into the wild. Known for its ancient rainforests, stunning waterfalls, and diverse wildlife, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. In this article, we delve into the quintessential experiences that one can enjoy whilst visiting this natural paradise. From hiking among the treetops to bird watching, every activity promises an opportunity to connect with nature at its purest.

1. Explore the Tree Top Walkways

Unmissable Activities in Lamington National Park: Your Ultimate Itinerary

One of the highlights of Lamington National Park is its series of suspension bridges and walkways that take you high above the forest floor. The Tree Top Walk, also known as the Booyong Walk, consists of nine suspension bridges up to 16 meters above the ground, providing an exhilarating perspective of the park’s lush canopy. Strolling through this elevated pathway allows visitors to witness the intricate layers of the rainforest ecosystem and possibly spot some of the park’s elusive arboreal creatures. Don’t miss the ladder leading up to the crow’s nest lookout for a panoramic view that will leave you awestruck.

Tackling the Hiking Trails

For those with an adventurous spirit, Lamington National Park boasts over 150 kilometers of walking tracks ranging from casual strolls to rigorous, full-day hikes.

  1. The Centenary Track is a gentle path perfect for beginners.
  2. The Border Track leads to the stunning view at Echo Point, a must-see for all visitors.
  3. For a challenging and rewarding experience, tackle the Coomera Circuit, renowned for its cascade of picturesque waterfalls.

Ensure you are well-prepared with appropriate gear, water, and a map—whether you’re chasing waterfalls, exploring the ancient Antarctic beech forest, or marveling at volcanic gorges, the trails of Lamington will leave an indelible mark on your adventurer’s soul.

2. Witness the Spectacular Waterfalls

Water is the lifeblood of Lamington National Park, and nowhere is this more evident than in the park’s stunning waterfalls. Morans Falls and Elabana Falls are among the most famous, offering not just picturesque cascades but also serene pools and picnic spots. During your visit, follow the sound of the tumbling waters and you might discover hidden gems like the enchanting Chalahn Falls or the dramatic Coomera Falls, where water plunges into a 160-meter deep gorge. A visit during the rainy season ensures the waterfalls are at their most majestic, but their beauty is undeniable year-round.

3. Connect with the Local Wildlife

Lamington is a sanctuary for a wide array of wildlife, including a variety of bird species, reptiles, and marsupials. Bird watchers will especially be in their element, as the park is home to the rare Albert’s lyrebird, along with bowerbirds, parrots, and the regent bowerbird. Look out for the charming pademelons – small forest-dwelling wallabies – grazing in the early morning or late afternoon. Remember to maintain a respectful distance and minimize disturbance to these wonderful creatures in their natural habitat.

4. Enjoy a Picnic Amidst Nature

Take a break from exploring and enjoy a tranquil picnic at one of the park’s many designated areas. Picnic Grove, close to the park’s entrance, is a popular choice with its convenient facilities and barbecue pits. Choose a spot by a brook or under a towering tree and relish the sounds and sights of the rainforest around you. Don’t forget to pack a litter-free meal and dispose of all waste properly to keep the park pristine for its wildlife residents and future visitors.

5. Immerse Yourself in the Park’s History and Culture

The rich tapestry of Lamington National Park is not solely woven by its natural elements; the area is also steeped in cultural history. Pay a visit to the Lamington National Park Information Centre to learn about the indigenous Yugambeh people, who have lived here for thousands of years. Understand how the park’s landscapes have shaped their culture and stories, as well as the pioneering efforts of early European settlers. Educational programs, exhibits, and guided tours can provide deeper insight into this culturally significant landscape.


Lamington National Park serves as an enchanting sojourn into the wonders of Australia’s natural and cultural heritage. Whether you find solace in the seclusion of a waterfall, delight in the diversity of flora and fauna, or seek the thrill of a treetop adventure, this park has it all. Its trails beckon, its history captivates, and its wildlife enchants, ensuring that each visitor leaves with cherished memories and a yearning to return.

FAQs About Lamington National Park

1. What is the best time to visit Lamington National Park?
The park is beautiful year-round, but the best time to visit is from late spring to early autumn, when the weather is milder and the waterfalls are full.
2. Are there accommodation options within the park?
Yes, there are several options for accommodation, from camping areas to comfortable lodges and retreats.
3. Do I need to pay an entry fee to visit the park?
No, there is no entry fee to Lamington National Park, making it an accessible destination for everyone to enjoy.
4. Can I bring my pet to Lamington National Park?
No, pets are not allowed in the national park in order to protect the native wildlife and the natural ecosystem.
5. Are the walking tracks suitable for all fitness levels?
Yes, the park offers a range of tracks from easy walks to more challenging hikes, so there is something suitable for all levels of fitness and experience.
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